
Pallet Rack Optimizes Warehouse Storage and Efficiency

Drive-In pallet rack

For those with warehouses and products moving in and out of their business, pallet racking is one of the best ways to maximize your space and efficiency. Pallet racking is an excellent way to keep your products and warehouse organized. There are a variety of different kinds of pallet racking systems, each suited for different products and warehouse sizes. 

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Pivoting Your Warehouse in a Post-Pandemic World

Pivoting Your Warehouse in a Post-Pandemic World

How to Make The Most of Today's Technology to Compete 

As most of the world slowly starts to open back up after the Covid-19 shutdown, be prepared for changes. After a year of learning how to do things differently to accommodate a pandemic, some processes may never go back to the old way. For example, the ways in which we conduct business have certainly changed, with many employees working from home and those who are coming to their place of work finding ways to socially distance. And even more importantly, for material handling and distribution center interests, more and more people are shopping online - making e-commerce a hugely expanding marketplace that calls for faster and more accurate warehouse systems to keep up. 

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E-Commerce is Booming and Changing the World of Warehousing

E-Commerce is Booming and Changing the World of Warehousing

The convenience afforded to consumers through online shopping has changed not only the way that customers are shopping, but it has forced businesses to have become more creative in their approach to meeting consumer demand. The trajectory of the trend in ecommerce was already on pace to put increasing pressure on businesses to be able to meet customers' expectations that their orders be delivered quickly, accurately and undamaged, but in light of the pandemic we are facing globally, that pressure has never been greater.

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Madland Is Your New “Hookup” For Yard Spotter Support


You already know that yard trucks are ideal for moving trailers around distribution centers, transfer stations, truck terminals, agricultural areas and more. But what you did not know is that Madland Toyota-Lift is your Central California aftermarket support center for specialized diesel yard trucks. Madland now offers repair service, planned maintenance, replacement parts and rentals of yard spotter equipment.

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Three Steps To Warehouse Optimization


As the owner or manager of a warehouse or distribution center, you already know the rewards of having an efficient, well-organized and smooth running facility. Product can be received, shipped, loaded and unloaded easily; orders are fulfilled when needed; inventory is maintained and productiveness and safety are top priorities. An operation that is struggling with these concepts can fall quickly into disorder: product is not rotated properly; racking is crammed with unlabeled product; customers waiting on orders are cranky; and safety takes a back seat as operations are rushed and hurried.

Learning how to make the best use of your space is the first step in optimizing operations. There are plenty of tried and true methods to achieving this important state. Here are three ways to get started.

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Toyota Order Pickers Take It To The Next Level

Toyota_Order-Picker_Applicationn The Toyota Order Picker

At Madland Toyota-Lift, we know productivity, safety and exceeding financial projections are at the top of your list. Did you know that order picking takes up 50-75% of warehouse operating costs? We've got the expertise and the equipment to help you make sure order picking costs don't sabotage your bottom line goals, while maintaining safety as a priority.

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