
bendi narrow aisle forklift

At Madland Toyota-Lift, we understand you are using your precious space resources in more advantageous ways and looking for answers that help you do that. As more and more warehouse professionals look up instead of out when seeking more space, narrow aisle solutions become more and more important.

We have some great options for you with our line of Bendi Narrow Aisle and Articulated Forklifts. Bendi narrow aisle forklifts are the original articulated forklift, able to service both sides of high, narrow and very narrow aisles from the same position. When your storage options mean pallets on pallet racking is your best choice, Bendi comes through.

Bendi electric and IC forklifts are similar in their advantages. Both can perform indoors or outdoors, on a variety of surfaces from loading docks and trailers to plant floors and in narrow and very narrow aisle situations.

bendi vna narrow aisle forklift logo

bendi ELECTRIC vna forklift

Electric Narrow Aisle

The Bendi Electric Narrow Aisle forklifts have lift heights of up to 41 ft. but are able to comfortably work in low mast situations such as trailers and traveling through doorways. Lifting capacities range from 3,000–5,500 lbs. in aisles from 5.25-7 ft. Due to its AC drive motor, you’ll see less maintenance.

bendi ic vnaforklift

IC Narrow Aisle

The Bendi IC Narrow Aisle forklifts can be refueled in less than five minutes and works with LP gas, can climb 15% grades, turn in 9 ft. and stack 48”x40” loads in 6.5 ft. aisles.

Parts for All Makes & Models
We offer high-quality parts for all makes of lift trucks, forklifts, floor cleaning equipment, utility vehicles, aerial lifts and other material handling equipment.